Ever since we have been married Matthew and I have been blessed by the amazing friends that surround us, many who are in the same stage of life as us. Now as we move into life as parents, we are again amazed and blessed by those around us. (It seems that almost all of our friends have recently had a baby or are expecting!) It has been a special blessing for me, as I try to get use to this thing called motherhood, having friends who can encourage and relate... I praise God so much for His grace in that. My sister took this photo for me last week, as a bunch of us got together to chat, so much more fun to feed and change the baby with company! There are actually 6 babies present in this photo!! (2 inutero and one hiding behind a car seat, and this is not even all of my friends with babies!) Sweet esthy enjoyed making us all lunch AND desert, I have the best sister EVER :)
These pictures here are especially for Uncle Joel. He made the cool little shirt that Liam is wearing! It is still a little big on him, but at the rate he is growing it will fit him perfect in no time. We can't wait for Liam to meet you Joel!!
Our sweet sweet husbands came home tuesday night and announced that they would take care of the babies whille we had a 'Girls night out'! It was so thoughtful of them and we really did have a fabulous time out. Drinks, desert and a little shopping. We came home to the Dad's cuddling and Loving our crying babies! So blessed to have such a wonderfully thughtful husband.
Right as we took this photo Liam did the biggest fart! Esther and I could not stop laughing:) I love this photo cause it has captured it all so well, our laughing faces and Liam's red little face.
Liam and Phoebe Cole snuggled up together on the 4th of July. We celerbrated the holiday by going down to Matthew's parents in Lexington. Jane had this adorable cradle set up so we poped them in there to take their naps. Liam and Phoebe were born just two days apart from each other, and were next door to each other in our recovery rooms at the hospital! :: Liam on the left and Phoebe on the right :: Here we have Liam and Reagan Driver, she is about 4 weeks older then Liam (which seems like alot right now, but I'm sure as they get older those 4 weeks will be hardly noticed.) She is such a sweetie and is charming everyone with her smiles. Born just last week on the 5th of July, here Liam is hanging out with Nora Prather at the hospital. Nora and Liam originally shared the same due date! Their birthdays are now just over a week apart. We are incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful friends around us. We are looking forward to meeting all the baby boys that are due this fall!! Some buddies for Liam to ruff around with. :: Liam has another girl friend, Madelyn Oates! (about 7 weeks older then Liam.) Sadly we don't have a picture of them together yet. will post one as soon as we do though :: Here we go!! finally a photo with sweet maddie. She is as sweet as a little flower, and well Liam is as cute as a little lion cub. (and acts like one too!)
This photo here is especially for Aunty Amby! Check out his little T-shirt. Born in the U.S.A, ha ha... :: Amby, we hope you have a laugh :: Liam's looking all patriotic with his Great Grandma Chase.
Born 06.27.07 at 2:17pm :: Weighing 8Ib 10oz :: The most beautiful blessing we have ever recieved :: It is hard to concentrate on anything else :: Thank you Lord for this bundle of Joy ::