Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

This photo here is especially for Aunty Amby! Check out his little T-shirt. Born in the U.S.A, ha ha... :: Amby, we hope you have a laugh ::
Liam's looking all patriotic with his Great Grandma Chase.


Blogger Lauren said...

Carls, little Liam is the cutest thing ever!! How are you and matthew adjusting to having a plus 1?! Im so glad everything went well with the birth- You are looking fantastic! Give Liam a big cuddle for me- Miss you heaps!!! Lots of Love- Lol xox

4:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, mother Carly... really, you are a mother now? Can't believe it still. That baby you are holding, is that yours.... how can it be? You are still my baby....
Love Dad

4:26 AM  

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