2 + 1 = 3
We are still 2... but quite possibly we may be 3 tomorrow! The baby is in a breech position right now and the Dr's will try and turn the baby from the outside... resulting in possible induction, c-section, or getting to go home and wait it out a little longer. The Dr has asked us to come prepared to have the baby, so we are doing just that. Matthew and I had a lovely date tonight, cherishing each other and the gift of marriage, trusting in the Lord's goodness and in His perfect plan. We can't wait to meet this little one we have come to love so much.
It really has been so wonderful having Esther here with me. (although she has been away for the last week, touring the D.C. area. We pick her up again tonight!) We will also be picking up my mum from the air port! I can not wait to see her and have her here with me. Now all I will need once she is here is Amber. (I keep hoping maybe she'll surprise us and walk off the plan with mum:) That would be great. I am so thankful for these amazing women in my life, that they would travel half the world to come and be with me during this time.
Hanging out by the river
This past saturday a whole bunch of us went out to the river. It was so tranquil, peaceful and relaxing. The sun filtering through the leaves, the water trickling by, the wonderful company, all made for a refreshing afternoon. The guys, plus Esther and Martha all rock climbed, while us pregnant girls sat by and cheered them on!
Birthing Class
Matthew and I have started our three part Birthing Class! Wednesday night was our first class, and boy did we have fun!! I LOVED the class, the teacher and everything about it. I got the giggles though, especially during the part where you all sit in your bean bags and are made to listen to this halarious tape of this lady trying to help you to relax... too funny:) I still can't believe that some time in the next month, I'll actually be doing this all for real!
The class is extra special as some of our best friends are taking it with us!! Sarah, and Levi. Their baby is due to arrive just a week after ours. We are hoping that we might find ourselves in labor together!
Esthy is such a good sport! She has come over from Australia to visit and holiday for 2 and a half months, but one of the things she'll be doing while she is here is being part of the birth. Since she will be in the delivery room we thought it would be fun for her to come and learn some cool things about the whole process. She had a blast and has been learning ALOT about pregnancy, birth and babies, not just from the class, but from all of my many pregnant friends! God has truly designed our bodies in an amazing way!! It really does cause me to praise Him more.
Yesterday, Esthy, Sarah and I all went out and got pedicures. Such girly fun, it was relaxing and such a treat. It was Esther's first time to ever have one!!
Here is the pedicurest working hard on Sarah's feet.
Our little toes all decked out! Funny how we all ended up picking a similar sort of color. ::Check out Esther's cool sandal straps from Australia::
Baby slings!
Yesterday, Esther, Sara-Beth, Noa and I went on a mission to make ourselves some baby slings. First we went out to find the perfect fabric. God blessed us by providing the most beautiful fabric at 30% off! Thanks to Esthy who dove into the bargin table and found it for us:)
Here is Esthy sewing the edges up for us. She was amazing and showed me up big time. That's what little sisters do right?! She's a very talented girl, and we were so thankful for her skills.
The finished product in action. The slings are so comfortable and so easy to use! We were amazed. I still have to wait a little while to use mine, but Sara-Beth was able to put Noa on and get right into the swing of things. She called me later to say she was able to get all her laundry done while wearing Noa!! So easy and fun!
Some different ways to 'wear' your baby.

There are so many different ways to wrap your baby on. We have only tried a few, and look forward to trying many more!
Baby Chase
Here is an update on how our baby is growing! I'm pretty sure it is getting pretty crowded in there. We are counting down the days till we get to meet this little one who has been kicking around inside me for so long now. 33 days till the due date!!
A special wedding
The happy happy groom, so excited he can hardly contain it!
At last... husband and wife! Celebrating with a kiss...
Matthew attended Adam and Lindsay's wedding this weekend. A special time to celebrate the union of these two wonderful people. I wasn't able to attend... as I was picking my sister up from the airport! (very exciting!! there will be many photo's to come:) Matthew had a great time and was so glad to be there with them, to love and support them during such a special time.