Tuesday, March 13, 2007

:: The maple donuts ::

Here are the famous maple donuts. There are fakes out there, so if you head out to the Highlands make sure you get the real deal. These are the lovely donut people making the donuts, who with their sweetness convinced us all that we had to try their donuts... even though we had already bought the 'fakes' 5 minutes ago. (the fake ones we're a 10th of the size, heavy, and covered in too much sugar...) We were very glad for their persuasion. They were the most delicious maple donuts ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, are those big donuts or what? They look more like some kind of 'marupan' than donuts. With real maple syrup... hmmmhmmm. Oishiso!!

4:30 AM  

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