Sunday, April 06, 2008


TO EAT! Liam is loving his food lately, especially all the orange foods. Sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, peaches and nectarines. His nose and cheeks have started to turn a little orange!!


Blogger Julie said...

Hi, Carly!
This is Julie McClay from church, and I came across your blog in a round-about way (linked from another)and I HAD to post a comment on this of my baby boys LOVED everything orange. So I fed him lots of orange things. And he began to turn orange. But I didn't make the connection and got all concerned when he started to look orange. So I took him to the Dr. who kindly suggested that we see how he looks in other colors of food (such a nice Dr. who didn't make this young mom....'cause that's what I was at the time...feel foolish). The bottom line? Good for you for noticing the connection between the foods he is eating and the skin tone. That little baby boy (someone has to be first, and he's been a gracious firstborn son) is now bigger than I am, and we still laugh about when he turned orange. Not trying to post a book on your blog, but this brought back happy memories...and I love watching fun young moms mommying their babes. It's inspiring! Keep up the mommy-love. You have a precious baby boy there!!! Thanks for sharing a peek into your world. Hugs!

4:39 PM  

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