Friday, September 07, 2007

Liam & Phoebe

Since their first adventure of entering into the world only a day apart, Liam and Phoebe have been getting up to alot together...
Taking naps in their car seats and hanging out by the pool while their mummy's chat.
They love to play together on their super cool and stimulating play gyms.
One of their favorite things to do and we just discovered this yesterday, is to go swimming together! How cute are those bikinis?!
And ofcourse they just love to have their picture taken!! I hope and pray that these guys will remain great friends through out their lives...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liam and Phoebe... what a couple of great smilers you are!! Say hi to you mum and dad for me Liam... and tell them we really appreciate the blog. Love it!!

6:15 AM  
Blogger The Nolls said...

TOO CUTE! we just love 'em! Noa wishes she was there to play too. too bad...
so, when you say "bikiniS" do you meann that Liam is wearing one too?????? what does his father think of that?

6:01 PM  

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